While Athens does not offer much on the menswear front, I did manage to investigate the gray-on-gray trend in George Deans, Onward Reserve, Dick Furgeson, and George Gibson's. Of these small scale operation stores there was zero hint of the gray-on-gray trend. Aside from single pieces of gray clothing, Dick Furgeson carried various shades of gray suiting. 

Searching through Georgia Square Mall for the gray-on-gray trend was painful. Men's Wearhouse was probably the closest I found to a gray-on-gray ensemble simply because they offered classic suiting in gray. No other stores, whether it be big retailers like Macy's or smaller scale retailers such as American Eagle carried or advertised in window displays or promotions gray-on-gray outfits.

While my trend is specific, I do believe that the only reason there is a lack of resources on the trend is because it is still in the introduction stage of the fashion cycle. Also, because of the fact that Athens is in its own bubble stylistically speaking, I think gray-on-gray would never be prevalent here. The lack of menswear stores doesn't really help either.