The gray-on-gray trend in Athens and on UGA’s campus is almost non-existent. Most of the men that I’ve spoken with have not even heard of the gray-on-gray trend. The men that had more than one gray piece on at a time didn’t intentionally do so. The most popular individual piece of gray clothing is a gray T-shirt that typically is embellished with some sort of logo or picture. The second and third most popular pieces are gray sweatshirts/hoodies and gray sweatpants, but never paired together. This further solidifies the thought that the trend hasn’t arrived on campus or in Athens as a whole. When I mentioned the black-on-black trend that resonated more profoundly with men. Many men recognized gray as a simple color to wear, and admitted to having many pieces of gray clothing (mostly T-shirts), but were skeptical of the idea transcending into the territory of black-on-black equivalency.